I lived up at a place Halifax. I had stones throwed at the windows and name calling. I initially went to the police and they didn’t want to know about the problem. I eventually got a police visit and they put cameras in for weeks and the issues stopped. Once the cameras were taken out the bullying increased.
I rang the hate crime co-ordinator who gave me advice to ring the police.
We worked with ILST, the police and together housing to move out and move to a more suitable location. We moved and still had the same issues of name calling and eggs at the window.
The police and the community warden got involved in the issue and they discussed this with the parents. Eventually my husband confronted the children and discussed that they would be reported to the police. This seemed to stop the hate crime issue.
The whole situation was very very scary. My daughter did not want to be at home and was scared and wanted to move. With the help of really nice neighbours we got settled into the area and we have managed to make this a home.